Monday, January 6, 2014

Seth Barrett Tillman, Purim & My Bangladeshi Friend, Gadfly: Culture that Matters

Professor Tillman wrote to me:
I published this piece of fiction in 2013. It is 8 pages. This is a short story about self-discovery via contact with other cultures. It touches on a number of themes and areas of intellectual inquiry: criminal responsibility, how history transforms the meaning of events, and the loss of cultural memory and meaning. It is loosely tied to several intellectual themes which (at least, tangentially) relate to your blog and may interest your readers. ...
Check it out here.


Tom Van Dyke said...

Seth Barrett Tillman is known to some of the denizens of this blog.

As at least slightly genius.

He's not in the "club," is all. Props, Seth. "Outsiders" have more influence than they will ever know. Keep on doing what you're doing, bro. I'm a bigass Tillman fan.

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