Thursday, April 5, 2012

Rev. Robert A. Sirico on Who is a "Christian"

Rev. Robert A. Sirico, president and co-founder of the Acton Institute (and brother of Paulie Walnuts) defines the term "Christian" here:


Christianity is and always has been a religion that “receives” its faith rather than one that “invents” it. Hence, a basic definition of “Who are the Christians?” begins with an adherence, doctrinally, to the ancient Creeds of the Church, beginning with the Apostles Creed (believed to have been of apostolic origin, the Apostles having in turn received their mandate from Christ Himself) and continuing on to the faith articulated at the Councils of Nicaea, Constantinople, Chalcedon, Orange, Hippo and Quicunque Vult (aka, The Athanasian Creed), all of which were formative for the belief of Christians. The traditions that would agree with this ecumenical Trinitarian confession (most Catholics, Evangelicals, Eastern Orthodox, et al.) have historically recognized that whatever other doctrinal differences may separate them, this is the meaning they share when they use the term “Christian.”

1 comment:

images google gr said...

Your share is the great knowledge I have gathered, you are an important person I admire, thank you
