Sunday, April 29, 2012

Pasley Defends Fea

I'd be remiss if I didn't note this for readers.


Phil Johnson said...

As per usual.
The Barton Steam Roller hisses on.
But, eventually it's gonna fizz out.

Tom Van Dyke said...

Phil, why not help us all out on the Jefferson Bible. What's in it, what isn't.

Instead of us fighting and all.

This is Like SO cool, check it out.

Phil Johnson said...

I see that argument as a dead horse, Tom.
I had a copy of the Jefferson Bible; but, I gave it away years ago.
Some people just read the Bible and apply their interrpreetations on it and others cut and paste. What's the difference?
Jefferson was one of the best statesmen the world has ever known. Barton's a joke.
The facts are there in black and white. There are no secrets.