This is from Andrew Seidel of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. A taste:
The spoken words have been as deliberate as the written words. We know that Washington didn’t add the words to the oath. Edward Lengel, former editor-in-chief of the Papers of George Washington project, concluded, “any attempt to prove that Washington added the words ‘so help me God’ requires mental gymnastics of the sort that would do credit to the finest artist of the flying trapeze.”
Like so much U.S. mythology, including Rip Van Winkle, Ichabod Crane, and the Headless Horseman, we owe this Washingtonian myth to Washington Irving.
American Creation's Ray Soller has done a great deal of very important detective work over the years on this issue.
Washington Irving’s confabulated storyline that George Washington added the words, “So help me God was not his first prank of this sort. Here’s a snippet from a article, Christopher Columbus Never Set Out to Prove the Earth was Round, by Erin Blakemore:
The myth of Columbus’ supposed flat earth theory is tempting: It casts the explorer’s intrepid journey in an even more daring light. Problem is, it’s completely untrue. The legend doesn’t even date from Columbus’ own lifetime. Rather, it was invented in 1828, when Washington Irving published The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus.
Barack Obama said it. Good enough for me.
If I'm not mistaken Ray and company are responsible for John Roberts' "So Help YOU God"? tweak?
I may be mistaken. Did the CJ do it this way before Ray et al. started their project?
Or Biden's people playing to the secularists. I question whether Biden operates at that level.
I think the level at which Biden operates now includes using the loo and watching Matlock reruns.
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