Sunday, November 1, 2009

"I've Got 95 Theses but the Pope Ain't One"

In light of Jon Rowe's post below...


Brad Hart said...

I particularly liked, "eat my diet of worms" and "Well, thank you Zwingli.
Yeah, way to disregard that whole 'I'm God' thingy! Getting' all up in my little punk!
Your momma shoulda told you not to mess with no monk."

Lindsey Shuman said...

This is great, Brad! Glad to see you still post stuff that doesn't try to make you come off looking like a stupid, wannabe "philosopher." It's fine to do posts like that, so long as you can pull it off. Certain people on this blog (no names needed, everyone knows who) just end up falling on their face.

I'm sad to see that the blog is still dying!

Brad Hart said...

Our blog has actually doubled in visits and readers. Not really dying.